1.archetype / 2.tractor / 3.my altar / 4.states of being / 5.wet paint / other

Mixed media installation 160 cm x 120 cm
Metal frame, glazed earthenware, Play-Doh, plexiglass, projector, iPad with touch generated motivational quotes by various cultural icons 2021

email: niacenkova@icloud.com

instagram: @__niya__tsenkova__

The Hague
The Netherlands

Niya Tsenkova (1999) is a multidisciplinary artist from Sofia, Bulgaria; currently residing in the Netherlands. She works in the field of Fine Arts with a wide range of interests and approaches towards making. Her variety of techniques include ceramics, painting, metal work, murals, installations and their mixing and matching within the body of her work.


Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
BA Painting and Printmaking
The Hague, the Netherlands

National School of Fine Arts Iliya Petrov
Illustration and Book Design
Sofia, Bulgaria

Recent Exhibitions

HECTOBAR 21.0, De Ijskast Rotterdam, Netherlands

Commissioned gilding work

Part of Hoogtij #71 with Visible Invisibility

Visible Invisibility- exhibition at 98 Gallery Pop-up location The Hague, Netherlands

Two week residency RODA, resulting in an exhibition at the Jovan Popovic Gallery
Opovo, Serbia

Shortlisted for the Arts Thread Global Design Graduate show  

Graduation Show at the Royal academy of art, The Hague

“MY ALTAR” KABK Fine Arts Pre-graduation exhibition

“As Is Where Is” at Atenor; The Hague, Netherlands

“States of Being” mixed media installation part of a group exhibition at Maakhaven; The Hague, Netherlands

“93-95 assemblage”, temporary independent exhibition space, hosting a multidisciplinary dynamic group assemblage Sofia, Bulgaria

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